Contents: * 22 disjoint graphs total, of network communication of distributed applications, all de-identified (both IPs, ie the nodes in the graph, and port numbers are mapped to integers). Citation information: "A Dataset of Networks of Computing Hosts", IWSPA 2022. Omid Madani, Sai Ankith Averineni, Shashidhar Gandham in addition to this README file please see the above paper for further information about the graphs, etc. * For the 20 graphs, in the "dir_20_graphs" directory, the edges are collected over 4 days in two different months. For each day, several consecutive hours are dumped. First day in January, other 3 days are from March 2019. Statistics given below (see also the paper in IWSPA 2022). * Another small graph, g21, in the "dir_g21_small_workload_with_gt" directory, with a ground truth (gt) grouping, based on function of the nodes (as well as using the hostnames). The edges are collected over several hours, several days. * An extra graph, e1 or g22, in the "dir_g22_extra_graph_with_gt" directory, also with a (candidate) ground truth grouping information (again based on function of the nodes). The edges files are collected from multiple days over several months over 2021 and 2022. * Please see below (and paper above) for further information on file structure, some statistics, etc. Basic python code for reading the graphs (and reporting misc statistics) and reading a ground truth file also made available ( and ---------------------------------- * Edge file structure: each line has 4 columns and specifies the graph (1st column), the client (or consumer) node, the server (or provider) node, and a csv of port/protocol and number of packets observed for that connection in that hour. In the example below, the first line is an edge from graph g1, from node 1 to node 2 (node 2 is the server or provider), where the (service) port used is 1 on protocol 6, 22 packets exchanged (note the actual port number is mapped to 1 here, ie de-identified). There are other ports and protocols associated with this edge (or conversation), including port 1 on protocol 17, with 4 packets (1p17-4), port 2 on protocol 6 (2p6-12), etc. The 2nd and 3rd lines below are from graph g2, each one specifying one port and protocol. # Comment lines, if any, begin with '#' # # # graph, client node id, server node id, csv of port, protocol, and number of packets. # g1 1 2 1p6-22,1p17-4,2p6-12,3p6-12,4p6-12,5p6-12 g2 1 2 1p6-625 g2 3 4 1p17-4 g1 3 4 6p6-38,7p6-92,8p6-37,9p6-26,10p6-113,11p6-33,12p6-160,13p6-165,14p6-61380,15p6-37,16p6-36,17p6-32,18p6-36,19p6-77,20p6-131 g3 1 2 1p6-45 g2 5 6 2p6-34 ... ---------- * Statistics on the 20 graphs: number of nodes, and edges, for the 20 graphs collected over all files from the 4 days. For example, graph g15 below has over 70k nodes, over 113k undirected edges, over 145k directed edges, and over 158k directed and port-differentiated edges. The paper cited above has the statistics for edges collected over day 1 and day 2 only. # graph, nodes, undirected edges, directed edges, port-differentiated-directed edges g4 278739 302034 302108 302595 g2 157489 1864574 2158346 12377439 g15 70172 113082 145369 158807 g5 46298 56047 56773 68140 g6 28329 106667 117865 380640 g10 18414 37702 38675 148184 g9 13717 26651 30398 83179 g3 11555 43996 50447 173499 g13 5290 20889 27383 100932 g8 3389 14081 14227 42611 g12 2454 4505 5223 67948 g20 1487 2214 2287 2717 g1 1447 106617 118691 1926968 g17 596 997 1058 1475 g14 575 880 944 26687 g7 290 732 763 1080 g18 289 501 505 918 g16 238 314 324 465 g11 207 1557 1587 1781 g19 86 150 155 325 * See further port statistics on these graphs below. ----------------------------- * Statistics on the small graph (g21) with ground truth: number of nodes, and edges, for the small graph collected over all hours of several consecutive days are shown below (and further below for statistics matching Table 1 of the paper). When we run read_graph on the "dir_includes_packets_and_other_nodes" subdirectory. # Output of: python \ dir_g21_small_workload_with_gt/dir_includes_packets_and_other_nodes ... # Done reading from 96 file(s). Graph, num nodes, undirected edges, directed edges, port-differentiated-directed edges g21 317 1697 3025 10851 * 59 of the nodes are in the groundtruth groups, although some of these nodes may not appear in the graph (may not be active). Note: those nodes (not all IPs) that were associated with a hostname and had sensor were grouped. There were just over 50 unique hostnames (a few hostnames correspond to multiple nodes or IPs). * The groupings, and related information, are in the following files below. Each line of a gt file is one group of nodes, a csv. Some groups have one member (singletons). The groups in the file are order by number of members (smaller groups first). There are 23 groups in the file # Manual grouping based on hostname and function # 23 ground truth groups, their sizes sorted: # sizes: [7, 4, 4, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1] # This file contains prefix tree codes based on hostnames (see below # for description of prefix codes) prefix_codes.txt # grouping using above codes, requiring prefix length of 5 or more # (common prefixes). # group sizes descending: [6, 5, 4, 4, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1] * (Subset of the nodes, those in ground truth) The directory "dir_small_workload_with_gt/dir_no_packets_etc/" has the edge files limited to nodes in the ground truth file (those files do not have packet info either). There are a few edge files, reflecting recording from a few hours to a few days. If we run on "dir_small_workload_with_gt/dir_no_packets_etc/" and report the port and degree stats, we get (matching Table 1 of the paper for g21): Graph, num nodes, undirected edges, directed edges, port-differentiated-directed edges g21 52 1282 2507 10564 Graph=g21 num nodes=52, num undirected edges=1282 (undirected) num nodes with degree 2+=51, median degree=50, max degree=51 Num. of (unique service) ports in graph =2371, on 2+ edges=1398 Num. nodes providing a port=52, 2+ ports=51 med=8 max=694 Num. nodes client of a port=50, 2+ ports=50 med=13 max=1161 Num. nodes with positive indegree and outdegree = 50 Num. of self-arcs: 7 Num. directed edges: 2507 Num. of directed 2-cycles: 2450 * Note that you can move a single edge file into its own directory to read it in isolation (the edge files in "dir_no_packets_etc/" may overlap in time range or may contain one another ) * A subdirectory of observed graphs when a subset of the original sensors are installed is included in "dir_no_packets_etc/" (a subset of the above graph is observed.. see also the short README in that directory) --------------------------------------------- * Here we describe building and using prefix codes as a way of grouping nodes based on similarity in hostname string (we are not providing the hostnames). We are providing prefix code files for a subset of the nodes (those with hostnames) for two graphs (g21 above, and e1 below). Each node (IP) has a unique hostname. Two or more IPs can have the same hostname in the ground truth files provided. Hostnames with the same long prefixes correspond to nodes that perform the same function, such as "launcher1" and "launcher2", both launching jobs (they share a prefix of 8 characters long). A prefix tree is built and for each hostname the statistics (eg number of nodes) along the path in the tree that leads to that hostname is made into a code, and nodes that share prefixes in this code space tend to be similar and could be grouped together, while nodes with very different prefixes are likely not similar. An example of how the prefix codes are built. Say we have three nodes only with names "launcher1", "launcher2", and "manager". Then at the root of the tree there are two branches, branch 1, corresponding to prefix "launcher" (8 characters long), has 2 nodes in its subtree and branch 2, corresponding to "manager" leads to 1 node. The prefix code for each of "launcher1" and "launcher2" begins with "b1l8s2", meaning branch 1 or b1, length 8 (prefix length of 8) or l8, and size 2 or s2 (number of nodes), and launcher1 the full prefix code is "b1l8s2_b1l1s1" (the next prefix has length 1) and for "launcher2" it is "b1l8s2_b2l1s1" (an underscore character, '_', splits the code and corresponds to an split in the tree). For "manager" we get the complete code "b2l7s1" (branch 2, length 7, size 1). Branches are numbered by the decreasing order of number of nodes underneath them, so branch 1, "b1" leads to more nodes compared to "b2" (or at least as much), etc. -------------------------- * One extra graph "e1" (or g22) from a workload of machines doing builds, regression tests, etc. Thanks to Robert Simon of Cisco Secure Workload for assisting us in getting this data. Note: This graph is not mentioned in the paper. * Output from running: python dir_g22_extra_graph_with_gt/dir_edges ... # Done reading from 99 file(s). Graph, num nodes, undirected edges, directed edges, port-differentiated-directed edges e1 33241 689951 702361 785879 * There were almost 300 unique hostnames and 486 nodes with hostnames (see below). Note that several IPs (nodes) can correspond to the same hostname. * One candidate ground truth file, candidate_gt.minPrefix5.txt, based on minimum prefix size of 5 characters, yields 10 groups (those nodes that were associated with a hostname were grouped), with statistics (largest group has 182 nodes in it, all nodes sharing prefix of size 5): # number of groups: 10 # Number of nodes in some ground truth group: 486 # group sizes: [182, 145, 67, 54, 24, 5, 4, 3, 1, 1] * Degree and port-related statistics: Graph=e1 num nodes=33241, num undirected edges=689951 (undirected) num nodes with degree 2+=28623, median degree=17, max degree=4030 Num. of (unique service) ports in graph =2488, on 2+ edges=1857 Num. nodes providing a port=18792, 2+ ports=7114 median=1 max=1105 Num. nodes client of a port=27243, 2+ ports=25423 median=5 max=819 Num. nodes with positive indegree and outdegree = 12794 Num. of self-arcs: 0 Num. directed edges: 702361 Num. of directed 2-cycles: 24820 --> Peeling: this graph is not very peelable compared to the other graphs, meaning that removing degree 1 nodes and/or removing nodes with high degree (once, or repeatedly), still leaves a large portion of the nodes. For instance, removing degree-1 nodes removes only 14% of the graph. Similar results hold even if a few edge files are read. The nodes connect to (are client of or provide services to) multiple other nodes. --> Longevity (persistence): A tiny fraction of edges are seen in all or the majority of the files. This is plausible: the jobs run on different hours of the day (and possibly a different hour from one day to next) and our hourly samples are also from different hours, so a fraction of edges is observed from one file. Over a span of many months, the workload can change too (new applications installed, etc). -------------------------- * Back to the 20 graphs. Number of unique (service) ports, and other related statistics, 20 graphs (day 1, day 2, day 3, day 4): # 1. g2, num uniqu ports=103907 1. g2, num uniqu ports > 1 = 94392 1. g2, top few [('2p6', 896712), ('3p6', 211728)] # 2. g14, num uniqu ports=24896 2. g14, num uniqu ports > 1 = 905 2. g14, top few [('4p6', 345), ('5p6', 63)] # 3. g12, num uniqu ports=16969 3. g12, num uniqu ports > 1 = 15768 3. g12, top few [('5p6', 1180), ('22p17', 814)] # 4. g1, num uniqu ports=16409 4. g1, num uniqu ports > 1 = 15039 4. g1, top few [('1p17', 60960), ('3p6', 54564)] # 5. g3, num uniqu ports=14754 5. g3, num uniqu ports > 1 = 10210 5. g3, top few [('2p17', 11608), ('3p6', 9279)] # 6. g6, num uniqu ports=7452 6. g6, num uniqu ports > 1 = 1619 6. g6, top few [('2p17', 42888), ('1p17', 39287)] # 7. g10, num uniqu ports=6329 7. g10, num uniqu ports > 1 = 4361 7. g10, top few [('2p17', 20669), ('1p17', 5159)] # 8. g5, num uniqu ports=4912 8. g5, num uniqu ports > 1 = 906 8. g5, top few [('2p17', 46832), ('1p6', 3532)] # 9. g13, num uniqu ports=3313 9. g13, num uniqu ports > 1 = 769 9. g13, top few [('5p6', 12702), ('8p17', 12158)] # 10. g9, num uniqu ports=2749 10. g9, num uniqu ports > 1 = 2029 10. g9, top few [('1p6', 10565), ('1p17', 7164)] # 11. g15, num uniqu ports=1413 11. g15, num uniqu ports > 1 = 1311 11. g15, top few [('11p17', 105102), ('12p17', 32134)] # 12. g8, num uniqu ports=449 12. g8, num uniqu ports > 1 = 151 12. g8, top few [('3p6', 8303), ('6p17', 4166)] # 13. g4, num uniqu ports=384 13. g4, num uniqu ports > 1 = 57 13. g4, top few [('1p6', 297015), ('1p17', 3747)] # 14. g7, num uniqu ports=156 14. g7, num uniqu ports > 1 = 33 14. g7, top few [('1p6', 516), ('4p6', 181)] # 15. g18, num uniqu ports=154 15. g18, num uniqu ports > 1 = 28 15. g18, top few [('1p17', 220), ('2p17', 204)] # 16. g17, num uniqu ports=116 16. g17, num uniqu ports > 1 = 55 16. g17, top few [('14p6', 381), ('1p17', 168)] # 17. g20, num uniqu ports=99 17. g20, num uniqu ports > 1 = 62 17. g20, top few [('2p6', 1339), ('5p17', 147)] # 18. g11, num uniqu ports=68 18. g11, num uniqu ports > 1 = 38 18. g11, top few [('5p6', 396), ('1p6', 348)] # 19. g16, num uniqu ports=63 19. g16, num uniqu ports > 1 = 44 19. g16, top few [('1p6', 49), ('2p17', 39)] # 20. g19, num uniqu ports=34 20. g19, num uniqu ports > 1 = 25 20. g19, top few [('3p17', 49), ('10p6', 47)] --------------------- Number or unique ports, 20 graphs, day 1 and day 2 only (matches Table 1 of the paper). # 1. g2, num uniqu ports=89168 1. g2, num uniqu ports > 1 = 69310 1. g2, top few [('2p6', 674262), ('3p6', 152180)] # 2. g12, num uniqu ports=15331 2. g12, num uniqu ports > 1 = 10856 2. g12, top few [('5p6', 1148), ('3p6', 554)] # 3. g1, num uniqu ports=14857 3. g1, num uniqu ports > 1 = 13966 3. g1, top few [('1p17', 59264), ('3p6', 52995)] # 4. g14, num uniqu ports=13355 4. g14, num uniqu ports > 1 = 201 4. g14, top few [('4p6', 311), ('5p6', 58)] # 5. g3, num uniqu ports=11741 5. g3, num uniqu ports > 1 = 9611 5. g3, top few [('2p17', 11287), ('3p6', 8918)] # 6. g10, num uniqu ports=5348 6. g10, num uniqu ports > 1 = 4259 6. g10, top few [('2p17', 14204), ('1p17', 4508)] # 7. g6, num uniqu ports=4211 7. g6, num uniqu ports > 1 = 680 7. g6, top few [('2p17', 36676), ('1p17', 33507)] # 8. g5, num uniqu ports=2837 8. g5, num uniqu ports > 1 = 418 8. g5, top few [('2p17', 46621), ('1p6', 2944)] # 9. g13, num uniqu ports=1283 9. g13, num uniqu ports > 1 = 307 9. g13, top few [('8p17', 8265), ('5p6', 8060)] # 10. g15, num uniqu ports=1246 10. g15, num uniqu ports > 1 = 974 10. g15, top few [('11p17', 65033), ('12p17', 17719)] # 11. g9, num uniqu ports=1206 11. g9, num uniqu ports > 1 = 870 11. g9, top few [('1p6', 8653), ('1p17', 6880)] # 12. g8, num uniqu ports=324 12. g8, num uniqu ports > 1 = 134 12. g8, top few [('3p6', 7298), ('6p17', 3472)] # 13. g4, num uniqu ports=287 13. g4, num uniqu ports > 1 = 54 13. g4, top few [('1p6', 173365), ('1p17', 1110)] # 14. g17, num uniqu ports=107 14. g17, num uniqu ports > 1 = 47 14. g17, top few [('14p6', 302), ('1p17', 160)] # 15. g7, num uniqu ports=102 15. g7, num uniqu ports > 1 = 31 15. g7, top few [('1p6', 385), ('4p6', 68)] # 16. g20, num uniqu ports=88 16. g20, num uniqu ports > 1 = 60 16. g20, top few [('2p6', 165), ('4p17', 143)] # 17. g16, num uniqu ports=61 17. g16, num uniqu ports > 1 = 44 17. g16, top few [('1p6', 41), ('1p17', 35)] # 18. g11, num uniqu ports=61 18. g11, num uniqu ports > 1 = 38 18. g11, top few [('5p6', 383), ('1p6', 348)] # 19. g18, num uniqu ports=34 19. g18, num uniqu ports > 1 = 19 19. g18, top few [('1p17', 218), ('2p17', 194)] # 20. g19, num uniqu ports=32 20. g19, num uniqu ports > 1 = 24 20. g19, top few [('3p17', 45), ('10p6', 37)] ---------------------------------------------